Children's ministry
Here at First Baptist Irmo we have a very active Children's Ministry. We offer Sunday school at 9am in the Family Life Center (building 300) and Children's Church during worship time, as well as nursery for both on Sunday's. We also offer AWANA on Wednesday nights during the fall and spring, with other events throughout the year.

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These are just a few of the events we have every year. Keep an eye on our EVENTS page throughout the year for upcoming dates and information.

The Saturday before Easter, we have an Easter Egg Hunt for kids. We have snacks, a craft, and the Bible story of what Easter is truly about, Jesus! Then we head out to find eggs filled with all kinds of candy! Join us at our next Easter egg hunt.

Vacation Bible School
VBS is a week long event held during the summer in the evenings. Children ages 3 years old through the 6th grade gather to learn about Jesus, the Bible, play games, sing songs, and have a great time with their friends. We look forward to you joining us!

Fall Festival
Fall Festival is a community event held on the last Sunday in October. We have food, games, inflatables, and trunk or treat with plenty of candy. This event is free and everyone is invited. Come see us this October!