men's ministry
Men’s Ministry is about celebrating and sharing the word of God among brothers. Here at First Baptist Irmo, we have a great group of men who are strongly grounded in faith in Jesus Christ. They fellowship together to become the leaders that God has called them to be. They develop authentic friendships and study God’s word to learn and grow. It is an environment of brotherhood, mentorship, and accountability. There are many events and bible studies throughout the year that we would love to have men in our community come be part of.

My name is David “Cletus” Criminger, but most just call me Cletus. I’ve been blessed to call First Baptist Irmo home for almost a decade. My family is very active in the church. Through Men’s Ministry I have been afforded multiple opportunities for growing in my walk, serving others and developing strong relationships. I hope to be a part of building others up as leaders for not only their homes, but in this lost and broken world. Join us as we pursue our relationship with The Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ and walk together for His glory!
Get to know us
My name is Hugh Hancock and I’ve been blessed to call First Baptist Irmo my church home for my entire life. My parents, along with the rest of my family, have called it home for many years as well. First Baptist is also where I met my wife and we are thankful to have the opportunity to raise our two children here as well. I’m so thankful to be a part of the unique church family that we have here, where everyone is loving, genuine, and sincere. Through men’s ministry, we want to be able to unite the men of our church young and old. Fellowship, building brotherly love, accountability and discipleship is what men’s ministry is all about. We hope you will come join us!


Men's Breakfast
Spend a morning with a good home cooked meal with men of all ages as we hear from guest speakers about Jesus and how we can apply the Bible to our daily lives.

Morning Prayer
Join us on Tuesday mornings at 6:30am in building 200 for a time of prayer. It's a great way to get your morning started!
Coffee provided

Small Group
Thursday nights we meet to study God's word. Times and locations can change, so please contact us for current time and location if you would like to join.

Chili Cook-Off
This yearly event hosted by Men's Ministry is fun for the whole church! It's fun competition and so many great chili's and soups to try. Donations received during the chili cook-off sponsors our snack pack program run by our Missions Ministry team.