We'd love to have you Join Us
We are excited you're thinking of visiting First Baptist Irmo and look forward to you coming to worship with us. As a first time guest, we understand you might have questions beforehand and this page hopefully answers most of them. Please feel free to call the office number at 803-781-1345 during the week if your specific question is not answered below.
Sunday streaming:
If you'd like to watch a service online first, you're welcome to tune in via our live stream* or watch a sermon from past weeks both located on our Sermons page.
*Live Stream Note... Live stream link is hosted on Vimeo and active shortly before 10:15a each Sunday. If you're on Facebook, we do our best to also simul-cast it there. Find us on Facebook if that works best for you at: https://www.facebook.com/FBIrmo

7068 Nursery Road Columbia, SC 29212
Most folks park: In the Main Lot
(top of the campus map)
Common first time
guest questions

How do most people dress?
Somewhere between fancy and flip-flops. If there is a name for it, business casual sounds close.
Where should I park?
Handicapped and Guest parking is provided in the smaller parking lot to the SW nearest to Building 100. That said, you're welcome to park in the large lot to the North as well if that is your preference.
What do you believe?
We encourage you to visit the About Us page to get to know our History as a church, our Pastoral Leadership & Staff and Our Beliefs.
Is there only one morning service?
Yes. We know folks visiting for the first time might be coming from a church with multiple services, the 'early' and 'late' or 'morning' and 'evening'. At First Baptist Irmo, we have many different ways & times of fellowship with others at the church, but only one service where the message for that particular week is shared by our Pastor.
Do I have to be a member to attend?
No, that's not required. You're welcome to join us in worship and study of scripture. The good news of the gospel is to be shared, this is just one way that sharing can be done. We'd be honored if you join us.
You can find information about becoming a member here.
Are there activities for youth, teens, young adults?
Yes. For more information about Bible Study Classes, we encourage you to check out the Events page for a broad look at the various ways to connect or the Sunday School page to get details about where specific classes meet, the age group each class is intended for and who might be currently leading that group.