Women's Ministry provides encouragement, fellowship, and support to women of First Baptist Irmo. From Bible Studies to prayer groups, we have you covered. Throughout the year we also plan different craft/gathering events (no talent required!). We would love to have you join us as we dig deeper into God’s word, walk together, and grow in our pursuit and love for The Lord.

Get to know us
Hey Y’all! My name is Brooks Criminger and am a long time member of First Baptist Irmo. Since 2015 my husband and I serve in a few different areas of the church. We have three children who will tell you FBI is truly their second home. For the last 8 years I have had the wonderful opportunity to serve with Women’s Ministry.

Craft Day
Come join us at our next craft event! Most recently, we made wreaths for Easter and even made enough to take to our homebound members.

Bible Study
Once or twice a year, we have a women's Bible Study on Sunday afternoons in building 200. Stay tuned for our next study!

Tea Time
This event we fellowship with women of all ages for an afternoon of tea. Join us for our next event.

Small Group
Sunday afternoons we meet to study God's word. If you would like to join us, we meet at 4:30pm in building 300.